at what price?
Published on April 28, 2004 By limeandlimpid In Personal Relationships
I miss the kind of friendships I had as a kid. The just hang out, talk all sorts of shit, share a slice of pizza, and sneak into a movie kind of friendships. All that was required was to show up and be willing to participate in whatever the day might bring. My company was price enough.

Now the price is attending various "home parties" (and usually buying something I neither need nor want), free babysitting services, no interest loans, buying assorted wrapping paper, (or candy, greeting cards, magazines,or whatever their kids happen to be selling this week), being the only driver in the kids car pool ( there's always a good reason why they can't today and they always promise ( are those fingers crossed?) to make it up). Sometimes I don't want to answer the phone because I know the person (friend?) on the other end is gonna want something. Saying "No" seems to shut the door on these friendships and they quickly fade away.

I really wish I could find a just hang out, talk all sort of shit, share a slice of pizza, all that is required is the pleasure of your company kind of friend.

on Apr 28, 2004

i hear ya.  I'm lucky enough to still have some of those friends.   I'm also only 28 and I imagine the number of them will continue to decline.

What i miss is the "hey it's almost 1am, lets go down to the beach and do nothing, for no reason" kind of friend.  I dont have ANY of them right now.  Everyone always wants to know exactly what we're going to do, and who's coming, what time we'll get back, etc etc.

on Apr 28, 2004
I am totally with you.
Some of the people I have met, as of late, only seem to call or come over when THEY need something. Makes it kinda hard when we have to relocate a lot.
on Apr 28, 2004
Now the price is attending various "home parties" (and usually buying something I neither need nor want), free babysitting services, no interest loans, buying assorted wrapping paper, (or candy, greeting cards, magazines,or whatever their kids happen to be selling this week), being the only driver in the kids car pool ( there's always a good reason why they can't today and they always promise ( are those fingers crossed?) to make it up). Sometimes I don't want to answer the phone because I know the person (friend?) on the other end is gonna want something. Saying "No" seems to shut the door on these friendships and they quickly fade away.

That's why I don't have many friends.

True friendship should never come with terms or conditions attached to it. We seem to forget that as we get older.
on Apr 28, 2004
You make me realise how lucky I am. I have friends who just want to hang or do domething on the spur of the moment. We are always their for each other through good and bad. They never expect anything of me or i of them, we are all diferent and maybe that is why we get on so well. ....... I think i need to go call them and tell them how lucky I am to have them in my life.
Thank you for making me realise how special they are ..... and if you lose a friend from saying no ....they were never a true friend to start with.