Remember riding the bus home the first day of kindergarten when nothing looked familiar,and you had that horrible,sickening feeling that you got on the wrong bus? That's how I feel every morning when I wake up. Nothing about this life seems familiar. In fact, quite the opposite. Nothing is how I think or feel it 's supposed to be. Somehow I got on the wrong bus. Try as I might to fit in and alter my views to what seem to be the norm on this odd little planet, my soul refuses to allow it. ...
So, after witnessing yet another uncomfortable scene, my friend said "you must really hate him". And I replied "No, I really don't feel anything for him at all". And it's the truth. I've never hated anyone. I don't believe I've ever felt what HATE feels like. I can't even remember feeling anything that intense. HATE is intense isn't it? People have wronged me, treated me shamefully, and even hurt me physically, and I can't honestly say I hate any of them. I just don't think about them ...
Ever wonder what it would be like to have one day to do only that which you wanted to do? 24 hours where every decision, every action was based on how you felt, what you wanted, only you. I do. Imagine a whole lifetime like that. Living your life free of the demands of others. Doing things ( or not doing things), not because you have to, someone wants you to, you need to, or you're expected to, but because you truly want to. I'm so tired of living my days doing things I don...
The feel and smell of warm fur and sunshine when I hug my two best friends........made especially delightful after endless days of muddy paws and eau de wet dog. Simple pleasures are surely the best.
It was brought to my attention that music plays in my house all day long. Even when the TV's on in the evening, there's music playing elsewhere in the house. I love music. All kinds of music. And if there's no music playing externally, it's playing in my head. So I was wondering..... 1.Driving in the car with the radio on, what makes you reach over and turn up the volume? 2.Is it the lyrics or the melody that attracts you more? 3.Do you believe we can alter our emotions or mood just...
When we first moved into our new home, my five year old would run next door everytime she saw the elderly gent who lived there working in his garden. He never seemed to mind and the two would chatter away. One day I said to his wife "I hope she doesn't drive him crazy with all her questions" and she responded "Heavens no, she's come to the right place ....He's got all the answers". Wish I knew someone with all the answers. Sure have a lot of questions. Maybe all the collective wisdom of Jo...